What Others Say About Us > Ann Carey Sinden

Sea Chi Crème came very highly recommended from my aesthetician-turned-aromatherapist friend whom I have known for 15 years. When it comes to natural products, it is her opinion I trust. She actually sent me a jar. Having highly reactive skin, I was incredibly pleased that my skin only reacted positively! As an aesthetician, I started recommending Sea Chi Crème to my most sensitive clients with grand results. Maine winters are rough on skin. I see lots of eczema and other non-specific dermatitis and just plain dry skin. Sea Chi Crème is a light feeling crème that heals beautifully, naturally. I really have a hard time keeping enough on the shelves of my skin care business. It is one of the first crèmes I have experienced that is merely perfect for a number of different skin types. Thank you for caring so that the rest of us get to experience the quality and love you put into your product. I guess you can tell that I am proud to carry your product on my shelves.

Notes from the trip

Cire Skincare, Kittery, Maine